Strategic Alliances

We are proud to be affiliated* with New York Life Insurance Company, a Fortune 100 company with the highest ratings for financial strength currently awarded to any U.S. life insurer from all four major rating agencies**. We are proud to offer resources and products from a veteran company with over 175 years of experience.

Advanced Planning Group

New York Life’s Advanced Planning Group is a team of more than 30 professionals with specialized training in law, taxation, accounting, business, insurance, finance, and philanthropic planning. Work with a nationally recognized group of knowledgeable, experienced professional, who can examine our current planning strategies and offer well-researched solutions to help you optimize your financial goals. 

Our access to these resources allows us to bring experience, value and insight to assist you with your business and estate planning needs.

Neither New York Life nor we provide legal or tax advice, but we are happy to refer you to some of our trusted partners who do offer those services. 

NYLIFE Securities

NYLIFE Securities focuses on providing clients with world-class brokerage services and a wide variety of investment options. As a registered broker- dealer and a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, NYLIFE Securities can offer the resources needed to help clients maximize their opportunities to grow and maintain their wealth.

Horstmann Financial and Insurance Services 

Proud to serve our valley for over 62 years.

*Vineyard Wealth Strategies and Insurance Solutions is a DBA (Doing Business As) for New York Life. It is independently owned and operated from New York Life and its affiliates.

**New York Life has received the highest financial strength ratings currently awarded to any U.S. life insurer by Standard & Poor's (AA+); Moody's (aaa); and Fitch (AAA). Source: Individual Third-Party Reports as of 10/15/2020